The Personal Mission of Curt Iles:
To walk closely with Jesus, be a man God can use, and be respected by my wife and family.
On Saturday, May 8, 2010, DFW Ready Writers is happy to present speaker and author Curt Iles. He will speak on "Making Opportunities Happen: Developing Your Speaker’s Platform".
Curt Iles is self-published. Yet being self-published hasn’t stopped him from making over 20,000 sales with his fiction books.
How does he do it? Curt will explain how he developed his speaker’s platform and at the same time created opportunities to sell his novels.
In these economic times, writers are discovering it harder and harder to find publishers that will accept and publish their books. And some of the first questions asked by publishers are, “What do you bring to the table? Do you have a platform?”
Do you even know what a platform is? Do you have one? A publisher may be interested in your book for publication, but they will want to know—What do you have to bring to the table? Can you show them numbers? Strong numbers? Would you like to know how to make your platform even stronger with more opportunities to present your work?
Yearly, Curt speaks at over 100 events. This has allowed him to make many new friends, spread the word about his books, and the result? Over 20,000 books sold by word of mouth. On May 8th, Curt will show you how to spread your writing influence by speaking opportunities. He’ll explain how to go about booking engagements to various groups.
Whether you are a multi-published, conventional author, a self-pubbed author, or even an unpubbed author, every writer needs to know how to build the best platform possible. Curt is the man with the experience and know-how and the numbers to back his claim. Learn how you too can build your platform and get your numbers up so the publishers will take notice.
Curt Iles is a full time author/speaker writing from his hometown of Dry Creek, Louisiana. As a popular speaker, Curt enjoys traveling, telling stories, and making new friends. He and his wife DeDe travel extensively on mission trips to Africa, Asia, and Central America.
He recently released his seventh independent book, A Good Place. His previous six books have sold a cumulative 20,000 copies.
To walk closely with Jesus, be a man God can use, and be respected by my wife and family.
On Saturday, May 8, 2010, DFW Ready Writers is happy to present speaker and author Curt Iles. He will speak on "Making Opportunities Happen: Developing Your Speaker’s Platform".
Curt Iles is self-published. Yet being self-published hasn’t stopped him from making over 20,000 sales with his fiction books.
How does he do it? Curt will explain how he developed his speaker’s platform and at the same time created opportunities to sell his novels.
In these economic times, writers are discovering it harder and harder to find publishers that will accept and publish their books. And some of the first questions asked by publishers are, “What do you bring to the table? Do you have a platform?”
Do you even know what a platform is? Do you have one? A publisher may be interested in your book for publication, but they will want to know—What do you have to bring to the table? Can you show them numbers? Strong numbers? Would you like to know how to make your platform even stronger with more opportunities to present your work?
Yearly, Curt speaks at over 100 events. This has allowed him to make many new friends, spread the word about his books, and the result? Over 20,000 books sold by word of mouth. On May 8th, Curt will show you how to spread your writing influence by speaking opportunities. He’ll explain how to go about booking engagements to various groups.
Whether you are a multi-published, conventional author, a self-pubbed author, or even an unpubbed author, every writer needs to know how to build the best platform possible. Curt is the man with the experience and know-how and the numbers to back his claim. Learn how you too can build your platform and get your numbers up so the publishers will take notice.
Curt Iles is a full time author/speaker writing from his hometown of Dry Creek, Louisiana. As a popular speaker, Curt enjoys traveling, telling stories, and making new friends. He and his wife DeDe travel extensively on mission trips to Africa, Asia, and Central America.
He recently released his seventh independent book, A Good Place. His previous six books have sold a cumulative 20,000 copies.