Friday, July 27, 2018

Accomplishing the Impossible: When Your Heart Says Yes, But Your Mind Says No.

Join us Saturday, August 11, 2018, 10:30 a.m. when we welcome Greg Matthews as he presents, “Accomplishing the Impossible: When Your Heart Says Yes, But Your Mind Says No.” Monthly meetings are held at Arlington Community Church, 1715 W. Randol Mill Rd, Arlington, followed by further networking and fellowship at a nearby restaurant (unless otherwise noted).

According to Matthews, “the greatest obstacle to fulfilling goals and dreams is doubt.” He maintains that with the right mindset and the ability to envision those dreams and goals, you can accomplish anything. He should know, as he survived the near impossible, set to print in his upcoming book “Relentless,” releasing Spring 2019.

Matthews is driven by a passion to help those who cannot help themselves and has dedicated most of his life to defending our nation and safeguarding the lives of others. His resume reads like a Who’s Who in the safety and security sector, starting with service in the U.S. Air Force during the Desert Storm and Desert Shield wars. For the next twenty-seven years he continued with posts as a firefighter, emergency medical technician, rescue helicopter pilot, and fugitive recovery agent, to name just a few. He currently serves as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Southwestern Division antiterrorism officer—protecting the nation’s dams, hydropower generation plants, and navigation locks.

His tireless pursuit to defend his nation is tempered only by his passion and foundation of love and relationship with God and family.  Never was this more evident than on September 22, 2015, when Matthews was brutally mauled by an enraged grizzly bear while bow hunting moose in remote Alaska with his brother. Lying in that field, dying, Matthews made the decision to live. Over the next eight hours his faith in God, his love and commitment to his family, and ultimately his will and ability to survive the impossible, would be tested to its limits. He now uses his brush with death, along with his other skill sets to empower men to find their purpose on the foundation of Family, Faith, and Freedom. His outreach, “Chase What Matters,” is helping to develop America’s patriots of tomorrow.

Matthews and his family live in Plano. He and his wife, Rhea, spend most of their time at the baseball and softball fields watching their three kids play. When asked what the biggest change since the attack has been, he responded, “I try and live every day now like I may never see tomorrow. If you live with that perspective, there will never be a question as to what’s important.”

Connect with Matthews on his website: or on his FB page:

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