Janice Thompson & Kathleen Y’Barbo
What a Deal! 2 Speakers, 2-Hour Workshop for only $15.00 per person.
While you’re sitting in your bathrobe or warm-ups, drinking the now-cold cup of coffee or tea, writing that next New York Times best seller, wouldn’t you like to earn cash on the side to keep you writing habit afloat? Or maybe, just maybe you’d love to add to your little bag of writing accomplishments … well then … you won’t want to miss hearing Janice Thompson.
Janice Thompson, multi-published author, speaker, mentor, and all around woman of many talents with a great sense of humor (If you don’t believe me just read her books), will be giving a one-hour presentation on "Supplementing Your Fiction Habit." This is a fast-paced course that will give fiction writers eight different ways to earn money with their writing (outside of fiction novels). Ms. Thompson will discuss goal setting, write-for-hire work, magazine article writing, public speaking, non-fiction books, and much, much more.

Then after hearing Janice Thompson and before you cozy up to your next villain or contemplate your romantic love scene, wouldn’t you want to know just how edgy that next scene should be? Will you cross that proverbial writer’s line of no return? Wouldn’t it be nice to know how edgy is too edgy? … well then … you must hear what Kathleen Y’Barbo has to say about “Over the Edge: Edgy Fiction in the CBA Marketplace.
Kathleen Y’Barbo, bestselling author of more than 35 award-winning novels and novella

Plan now to attend this workshop and meet two incredibly talented authors that will hold your attention with two chucked-full hours of inspired insight into the CBA writing world.
Come join us for lunch and a special time of learning. A book signing at Mardel in Hurst will follow the meeting.