Tuesday, December 29, 2009
DFW Ready Writers January Meeting
Mr. Clark, born in Taylor County, Texas, a US Marine at the age of seventeen, served our country during World War II. He holds the honorable distinction of being a WWII veteran who also fought at the battle of Iwo Jima and later became a Texas Ranger.
If you write historicals or simply are a history buff, you won’t want to miss hearing Mr. Clark. Minor characters in your books, such as a grandpa or an eccentric elderly uncle with a WWII background, add depth to your writing by adding a touch of truth from the past. And what better way to learn about history than from one who has been there and can give you a first-hand account?
Mr. Clark is a fascinating man with an amazing history. He will be speaking about WWII and what it was like to be at a place in history that will live in infamy. Three of his close buddies were among the six men, five Marines and one Navy corpsman, raising the flag on that notable day as Mr. Clark made his way up the hill at Imo Jima. Before his battalion landed, they were told the battle would take 72-96 hours. Instead, the battle raged on for a total of 37 days with 6,825 American casualties and approximately 22,000 Japanese casualties.
After the war, when Mr. Clark came home to Texas, he attended Texas Tech where he received his degree in Business Administration. He played professional baseball for the Lubbock Hubbers, and from 1969 to 1987 he served as a Texas Ranger.
This man has lived a varied and exciting life, and he will be sharing his experiences of WWII and his life as a Texas Ranger.
You will not want to miss the DFW Ready Writers’ meeting on Saturday, January 9th.
We are opening up this meeting to writers and non-writers due to the nature of the topic. Since this will be a longer session than normal, we are charging a nominal fee of $15.00 per person for the two-hour session.
Hope you will be able to attend.
Date: Saturday – January 9, 2010
Time: 11:00 am – 2:00 pm or later
Meeting Place:
La Hacienda Ranch Restaurant
5250 Hwy 121,
Colleyville, Texas
(Restaurant sits alongside the southbound access road between Hall-Johnson
and Glade).
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
November Meeting - Lynne Gentry

He smiled.
She looked at him.
His deep blue eyes cause her heart to pitter-patter. . . .
DFW Ready Writers has a solution to your problem for the same old, worn-out drivel and flat, lifeless characters that so often appear in many manuscripts.
Saturday, November 14th, Lynne Gentry, an instructor of stage presence and body language, will be presenting: Paper Dolls - Utilizing the costuming and body language techniques of the stage to help flat characters leap from the page.
Come learn the character development tricks of the stage and costuming techniques that create and flesh out interesting and unforgettable characters. Lynne, with many years of teaching stage presence, will help you gain insider tips on how to dress your character to create interest and literary symbolism for your reader. She will also help you learn body language observation techniques that will hone your ability to decode the signs of both controlled and involuntary body movements. Lynne will also show you how to create word usage that communicates the corresponding emotions.
So, if you don't want to have flat, lifeless characters that continue to say meaningless and over used phrases, you won't want to miss this opportunity to hear Lynne Gentry on November 14th.
Date: Saturday - November 14, 2009
Time: 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Meeting Place: La Hacienda Ranch Restaurant
5250 Hwy 121, Colleyville, Texas
(Restaurant sits alongside the southbound access road between Hall-Johnson and Glade).
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
October Meeting - Elizabeth Ludwig

You’ve been to conference and now you’re ready to send out those proposals the editors or agents have requested. Or maybe you couldn’t attend conference but you have your manuscript and five page proposal done and your finger is itching to click Send.
Wait! Don’t touch that button.
Is that manuscript or proposal the best you can do? Are you sure? Well, let me tell you, nothing kills a proposal faster than a poorly prepared submission. And I have a solution for you.
This Saturday October 10th DFW Ready Writers is offering a two-hour workshop with published author and speaker Elizabeth Ludwig. The first hour Elizabeth will speak on “Self-Editing for the Fiction Writer.” She will demonstrate the most common mistakes authors make when submitting their manuscripts and proposals, and she will give tips for improving the quality of the overall submission. Attendees will learn how to locate problem areas such as: repetitive words and phrases, show vs. tell, and much more!
And Elizabeth will talk about “The Ins and Outs of a Writing Partner.” She has partnered together with Janelle Mowery to write three mystery novels and knows the joys and woes of a long distance writing partner. She’ll explain what works and what doesn’t, how to avoid the pitfalls while partnering with another author, and how to end up with a saleable finished product—a novel.
So please join us for some fresh ideas on how to make your manuscript and proposal stand out in the crowd of hundreds.
There will be a charge of $15.00 at the door for the two-hour workshop.
Date: Saturday – October 10, 2009
Time: 11:00 am – 2:00 pm
Meeting Place:
La Hacienda Ranch Restaurant
5250 Hwy 121,
Colleyville, Texas
(Restaurant sits alongside the southbound access road between Hall-Johnson
and Glade).
Lunch is Dutch treat.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
September Meeting - Speaker Harry Olson
Nothing Like Old Mother Nature
Would you like to add some tension and realism to your story? Weather related events can up the stakes of peril, relationships, loss, and even death to your work in progress (WIP).
Ahh. . . . You have never experienced a hurricane, tornado, earthquake, or even a flood that can wipe houses off their foundation? Allow me to tell you how you can obtain the knowledge of how people are affected and learn to survive these catastrophes.
On Saturday, September 12th, 2009, at 11:00 am—1:00 pm, DFW Ready Writers will be hosting speaker Harry Olson, a catastrophe insurance adjuster since 1994. He has experienced most storm related happenings as a first responder at national disasters and has seen firsthand how lives can be devastated and changed forever.
Dealing with individuals who have lost everything within a matter of hours, even minutes is heart-wrenching and life changing. Harry will be sharing first hand knowledge of weather related happenings that have taken place throughout the United States and will give you ideas how these actual events can come to play with weather related realism in your WIPs.
So don’t miss out on this month’s meeting. Making your novel the most that it can be by having weather as an antagonist in your WIP can bring relationships, death, and realism to the forefront, causing your book to come alive to your readers. Plan now to attend.
Date: Saturday – September 12, 2009
Time: 11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Meeting Place:
La Hacienda Ranch Restaurant
5250 Hwy 121,
Colleyville, Texas
(Restaurant sits alongside the southbound access road between Hall-Johnson
and Glade).
Hope to see you there.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Writing Tip by Barbara Harris
Sunday, August 9, 2009
DFW Ready Writers in the News-What's Happening August 2009
This month...
Deborah Rather, who writes as Arlene James, will have a new book out in a couple weeks. Anna Meets Her Match is the first book in the new Chatam House series from Love Inspired. The book has already received 4-1/2 stars and Top Pick from Romantic Times magazine.
For more info, visit the series' Web site at www.chatamhouseseries.com. Deborah will also be speaking on scene construction at the ACFW chapter in Round Rock, Texas, on August 15.
Jane "Grammar Mama" Thornton has had numerous articles published on The Christian Pulse. Her latest article appeared on July 20th. And, be watching for her next article that will post on August 17th.
Lena "Red" Nelson Dooley will speak at the North Texas Christian Writers Conference September 11 and 12. Her book, The Spinster Brides of Cactus Corner, released this month in Thorndike large print edition. Wild West Christmas and Christmas Love at Lake Tahoe release in September. A combined volume of Can You Help Me? and Caught Red-Handed will release in September in Thorndike large print edition.
Congratulations, Ready Writers!!!!!!!!
Dawn "Your Writer in the Know" Michelle Michals :o)
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
August Meeing: Richard L. Mabry, MD

Dr. Richard Mabry, physician and medical suspense author, will discuss incorporating medical scenarios into your fiction, suggesting ways to get the information needed to add authenticity to your writing.
Dr. Richard Mabry retired from medicine in 2002 after more than 35 years in practice as an ear, nose & throat specialist, the last ten of them spent as a professor at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas. During his medical career, Dr. Mabry lectured all over the world and held the office of president or vice-president of every major organization in his specialty. He has written or edited eight best-selling medical textbooks, and well over 100 of his papers were published in medical journals.
Dr. Mabry entered the field of non-medical writing after the death of his first wife, writing The Tender Scar: Life After The Death Of A Spouse, which was published by Kregel in 2006. The Tender Scar is now in its third printing and is in use by numerous pastors, counselors and seminary professors, as well as providing a tool for healing for thousands of people who have lost a loved one.
His first novel of medical suspense, Run Away Home, will be published by Abingdon Press in early 2010. He has completed the second novel in the Prescription For Trouble series and is now at work on the third.
Dr. Mabry’s work has also appeared in Christian Communicator, In Touch Magazine, Upper Room Devotional Guide, and Grief Digest, as well as a number of online ezines.
In September 2009, Dr. Mabry will be speaking at the American Christian Fiction Writers’ Conference in Denver, Colorado, and in 2010 he will speak at the Mount Hermon Conference in Santa Cruz, California.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
July Meeting- Barbara Harrison

Barbara Harrison, writing under the pen name of Leann Harris, has always had stories running around inside her head. When her youngest child started elementary school, she finally gathered her nerve and began writing. She joined RWA in 1987 and is a charter member of Dallas Area Romance Authors and former president. Her first published novel was a finalist in Romance Writers of America Golden Heart contest and was nominated by Romantic Times as one of the best first novels.
The author of 12 novels, Barbara’s latest book Guarded Secrets is scheduled for an Oct. 2009 release from Steeple Hill Books.
Barbara has a BS in speech from the University of Texas at Austin and is a certified teacher of the deaf. She has taught math and science to high school deaf students. She is also an avid gardener.
Visit Barbara’s author Web site http://www.blogger.com/www.leannharris.com
The meeting is:
Date: Saturday – July 11, 2009
Time: 11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Meeting Place:
La Hacienda Ranch Restaurant
5250 Hwy 121,
Colleyville, Texas
(Restaurant sits alongside the southbound access road between Hall-Johnson
and Glade).
Hope to see you there.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
DFW Ready Writers in the News - What's Happening June 2009
The summer is already half over and the temperatures are steadily rising. I know it's hot here! All the more reason to stay in the A/C and write for the Lord!
For this month's member news:
Jane Thornton was published this month on The Christian Pulse. Her article, “A Merry Heart,” ran on June 1st, and is still available to read by clicking here.
Mark your calendars now and don't miss our resident physician Dr. Richard Mabry's newest devotional. His meditation "God Of The Universe" will appear in the July-Aug issue of the Upper Room devotional guide. Written to commemorate the 40th anniversary of man's first step on the moon, the devotional will post on July 20. You can read it online that day at http://upperroom.org/devotional.
Congratulations to this month's Members in the News. If you have members news that didn't make it this month, please e-mail me at dawn@dawnmichellemichals.com for next month's addition.
Take care, God bless and Happy Writing,
Dawn Michelle Michals
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
June Meeting - Lena Nelson Dooley
Writing a salvation scene is easy, right? Just throw in some “God” words, then use the system taught during Sunday school class.
If that’s what you think, do I have news for you!
Learn the things that make a salvation scene work for your book during this workshop. Lena will show you how to write the scene without being in your face, over the top pushy, or blatant with your message and yet communicate the need of salvation to your readers.
The attendees are encouraged to bring a salvation scene they are working on if they’re willing to share it with the group and have it analyzed.
Lena Nelson Dooley

is a multi-published author. Four of her novels published by Heartsong Presents, the romance division of Barbour Publishing, were voted top ten favorites in Heartsong’s annual readers’ poll. One of her novels received a second place award in the American Christian Fiction Writers Book of the Year contest at the 2004 national convention. The Scraps of Love novella anthology, also published by Barbour Publishing spent five months on the CBD fiction bestseller list. Three of her books—Pirate’s Prize, Minnesota Brothers, and Gerda’s Lawman—were on a bestseller list in the UK. Pirate’s Prize went to #1 on that list. Spinster Brides of Cactus Corner, an April 2007 release was on the CBD fiction bestseller list within two weeks. Her novella The Spinster and the Bride was a finalist in Book of the Year. Montana Mistletoe, which released in September 2007 was on the CBD list, too. Snowbound Colorado Christmas was on the CBD bestseller list for three months, as well as on the Barbour Fiction bestseller list. In 2008, Lena was voted one of the top ten favorite authors in the Heartsong readers’ poll.
A member of American Christian Fiction Writers, she has been a speaker on both the regional and national level. She’s also president of the local chapter—DFW Ready Writers. In 2006, she received the prestigious Mentor of the Year Award at their national conference. She also teaches writing seminars and has spoken at writers’ groups in two states. Besides speaking for writing events, she has spoken for women’s groups and women’s retreats both in the US and internationally.
Mrs. Dooley and her husband James will celebrate their 45th anniversary this year. They live in Hurst and are involved in the lives of their children and grandchildren.
Before she started writing full time, she was also on retainer from a publishing company where she headed a writing team that produced a two-year American History course for at-risk students. She has completed other major curricula.
Snowbound Colorado Christmas was her 18th book release, and five books will release in 2009—The Prairie Romance Collection, Wild Prairie Roses, Cranberry Hearts, Wild West Christmas, and Christmas Love at Lake Tahoe. Summerside Press will release Love Finds You in Golden, New Mexico in 2010.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
DFW Ready Writers in the News - What's Happening May 2009
In this month's news:
Lisa Buffaloe is getting settled in the beautiful city of Boise, Idaho. We miss you, Lisa! Lisa was interviewed twice this month! To read her interview with Norma Vera, visit http://grandmateachmewisdom.blogspot.com/
Congrats, Lisa!
Jane Thornton's newest article, "One Another," is on The Christian Pulse. Click here to check it out. Great article, Jane!
Our lovely president, Lena Nelson Dooley spoke recently at Gifted for His Glory at Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship Church. Lena also has two new book releases: Wild Prairie Roses and The Prairie Romance Collection. Wow, Lena!! Great job!
And....drum roll please...
BIG NEWS for our favorite doctor and medical resource, Richard L. Mabry, M.D. Richard signed a contract with Abingdon Press in January. His medical suspense, Code Blue, will be published in early 2010. The second book in the "Prescription For Trouble" series is complete, and Richard is now at work on book three. Congrats, Richard! I can't wait to pick up my autographed copy!
Richard has also been published recently in the March-April issue of Upper Room meditation guide with his article "Proclaiming Good News." "The Secret Life Of A First Reader: Interview With Crystal Laine Miller" was published in the March issue of Christian Communicator magazine.
Congratulations to this month's Members in the News! And, congrats to all of you who write for our Lord!!!
Keep writing!
Dawn Michelle Michals
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Telling Is SO Telling- Patricia Pacjac Carroll
But what does that mean?
And how do we know if we’re telling or showing?
A good way is to read your chapter aloud. If it sounds like Aunt Frieda telling about her latest trip—you’re telling. It’s the Dragnet style of writing. Remember the old TV show where the guy says,
“Just the facts, Ma’am.”
You can find many telling troubles by hunting for was and were.
EX: She was tired. That’s telling.
Instead, write—She identified with the wilted daisy in the vase and drooped onto the couch. And you can see the character being tired. That’s showing.
There are sneakier ways for telling to creep into your writing. Back story is full of telling sentences. That’s why your story’s pace shudders to a screeching crawl. If it reads like a history lesson or travelogue, you are telling the reader what you want them to know instead of letting them discover along with your characters what they need to know.
Use dialogue to sprinkle facts in the story.
He clenched his fistHis face darkened.
Think about body language and show the reader your character’s emotions.
A last hint about telling. Be specific.
So let the show go on and write lively.
Patty is a member of the DFW Ready Writers and has written two books every aspiring author needs. Check out an interview with her on Lena Nelson Dooley's authors blog.
Learn more about Patty at her website: http://www.patriciapacjaccarroll.com
or her Blog http://patriciapacjaccarroll.blogspot.com/
There you can find out more information about ordering her CD books for writers.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Our May Speaker - Marilyn Eudaly

She lives in Texas with her husband of 42 years and has one married daughter who is also a writer.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
DFW Ready Writers in the News - What's Happening April 2009
Happy Easter, Ready Writers! May it be glorious as we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Our president, Lena Nelson Dooley, will be speaking at the Madison County Writers Guild in
Lisa also has an article out on The Christian Pulse this week. To read “Bustin’ Bunnies,” click here.
Congrats to all the DFW Ready Writers in the News!
Until Next Month,
Dawn Michelle Michals
Monday, March 30, 2009
April Meeting: "Just the facts, Ma'am!"
Have you ever wondered about police established methods? Would you like to have nothing but the facts, ma’am, of real life situations that will help you present you book with accuracy?
With Detective Crum’s extensive and varied background in police work, she will be speaking about her duties—real life situations and how they are handled, not the made up kind we see on television. This is your chance to hear a knowledgeable veteran Detective, with over thirty years of experience, explain police procedures, lockup, on duty calls, domestic violence, and all the rest that come under the heading of day-to-day police procedure.
At the end of her program, Linda will answer questions that have been submitted in advance by email. Then, if there is time, we will open the floor for questions from everyone present. This will be a great opportunity to ask those difficult unanswered questions about police procedure that you have always wondered about and would love to write into your manuscript with accuracy. Those questions you didn’t know who to ask.
Come hear Detective Crum on Saturday, April 11th, 2009
Time: 11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Meeting Place:
La Hacienda Ranch Restaurant
5250 Hwy 121,
Colleyville, Texas
(Restaurant sits alongside the southbound access road between Hall-Johnson and Glade).
Detective Linda Crum works for the Dallas Police Department. She is married to a retired Dallas Police Sergeant (helicopter pilot) with three stepsons, and seven precious grandkids.
Born in Ft. Worth, Texas, raised in Rendon, Linda Crum was the youngest of four children. When she graduated from Mansfield High School in 1973, she immediately enrolled in the fall at TCJC-N, where she obtained an Associate Degree in Criminal Justice. On May 17, 1976, the Dallas Police Department hired Linda, and as a requirement, attended the police academy, graduating October 7, 1976, to begin her long career in law enforcement.
Linda’s first job as a police officer was working patrol in Oak Cliff. Since that time, she has worked the Youth Division as a detective, and later assigned to the Youth Action Center of the DISD schools. At one point in her career, she covered 23 schools, including Kimball and Carter High Schools.
In May of 1992, she completed her degree in Criminal Justice at DBU, and in May of 1993, transferred to the Crimes Against Persons Division. Her first assignment as a detective was to investigate aggravated assault offenses. Later she moved to the Homicide Unit and while in that position she became a licensed Texas State Polygraph Examiner for the department. Today Detective Crum is currently working Cold Case Homicides for the Dallas Police Department.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
DFW Ready Writers in the News - What's Happening March 2009
Make plans NOW to attend the Christian Book Expo 2009 March 19 - 22, 2009. Several DFW Ready Writers will be in attendance as well as Liz Curtis Higgs, Max Lucado and Lee Strobel. To attend the Christian Book Awards on Thursday night, click here for ticket info.
Speaking of the Christian Book Expo, our very own, red-headed DFW Ready Writer's President, Lena Nelson Dooley, will be signing books and visiting with fans of Christian fiction. Stay tuned for a schedule of our members who will also be in attendance.
Does that comma need to be there? Is your subject/verb agreement giving you migraines? Our very own "Grammar Girl" Jane Thornton will speak to us this Saturday on "What’s Grammar Got to Do with It?" Her realistic look at grammar essentials will help you eliminate those pesky errors that send editors scrambling for their sanity.
Big news for Lisa Buffaloe: Lisa signed this week with Tamela Hancock Murray of Hartline Literary Agency. Congratulations, Lisa! Publication is not far behind!
Wanna win some dough? Visit Leanna Ellis's Web site for a chance to win $50. Leanna's April release, Ruby's Slippers, is already available through Amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com, and she'll be bringing some copies on Saturday.
Beth Shriver's newest release, Love at First Flight, will hit stores on April 8th. Grab your copy and support a fellow Christian writer.
Marilyn Eudaly will be presenting the Keeping it Real: An interactive workshop on character motivation and conflicts to the His Writers chapter of ACFW in Denver, CO on April 13. Road trip, anyone?
Additionally, Marilyn's story "Looking Out" in Ultimate Gardner by HCI Publishing will be in bookstores in April.
Mary Ann Hayhurst received her contributor's copies for her devotional that appeared in the March 8th issue of Evangel. Mary Ann, we would love to see it! Please bring a copy on Saturday.
We are writers! If you have news that didn't make it in this month, never fear! Send it to me for inclusion in next month's Member News.
May God bless you richly as you share His Word to the nations.
To be used by Him,
Dawn Michelle Michals
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
March Meeting- Jane Thornton our "Grammer Girl"

After graduating as salutatorian of Huntsville High School, she attended the University of Texas at Austin, where she earned a BBA in accounting. However, a short time as an auditor convinced Jane that, although the job was valuable and someone had to do it, she didn’t want to be the one. After sticking with it long enough to earn her CPA, lest anyone think she couldn’t hack it, she returned to school and earned her teaching certificate in English.
Writing fiction fulfills a life-long dream of Jane’s. In order to improve her craft and connect with other writers she became a member of American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW), Romance Writers of America (RWA), DFW Ready Writers, and two critique groups.
Monday, February 9, 2009
DFW Ready Writers in the News - What's Happening February 2009
The Christian Pulse Online Magazine published Lisa Buffalo's article Something Stinketh in their January issue. To read Lisa's article, click here.
DFW Ready Writers' President Lena Nelson Dooley signed a contract with Summerside Press for Love Finds You in Golden, New Mexico. Lena also sent in two complete novellas on February 1. Be on the look out for Wild West Christmas and Christmas Love at Lake Tahoe.
Deborah Rather, under the pen name of Arlene James is working on her Mother's
Day novella, and just got the go-ahead for book 2 in her new Chatam House series for Love Inspired.
Becky Yauger's story will appear in Chicken Soup for the Soul - The Cancer Book hitting bookstores March 3rd. Becky recently took over the secretary's position for the DFW Ready Writers as well as serving as secretary for ACFW.
Lynne Gentry received word that one of her short stories may be published by Simon & Schuster in the compilation book, God Sightings by James Bell.
Congratulations, Ready Writers!
Do you have an event or news item to share? E-mail us at dawn@dawnmichellemichals.com to have your event posted to the DFW Ready Writers' blog.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
February Meeting
Currently she is writing both Love Inspired and Love Inspired Suspense for Steeple Hill. Lenora will be giving tips about writing for Steeple Hill Books--everything from do's and don'ts to what editors are looking for and what not to send. With quotes from first time authors who've just sold to SH to established writers who've been with them for years. She will offer suggestions on how to sharpen your synopsis and chapters to catch the attention of the SH editors.
We would love to see all our members for Valentines lunch (Dutch treat) as we learn invaluable information from Lenora Worth as she presents "Everything You Ever Wanted To Know about Writing for Steeple Hill."
Lenora will also be offering signed copies of her books for sale.
Date: February 14, 2009
Time: 11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Meeting Place:
La Hacienda Ranch Restaurant
5250 Hwy 121,
Colleyville, Texas
(Restaurant sits alongside the southbound access road between Hall-Johnson and Glade).
Hope to see you there.
Since it's Valentines day, of course, let there be chocolate. So come see what's happening at February 14th's meeting.
Member Booksigning

Legacy Books
7300 Dallas Pkwy.
Plano, TX 75024
Lookin' Back, Texas
By Leanna Ellis
A devoted wife and mother must return to her hometown of Luckenbach, Texas to help her mother plan her father’s funeral. Trouble is – he isn’t dead! And neither are the secrets she buried there years ago.
Check out Leanna Ellis' newest releases at http://www.leannaellis.com/
Upcoming release: Ruby's Slippers in April 2009