Tuesday, October 12, 2010

DFW Ready Writers Meetings for November & December, 2010


Have you ever had to leave your writing for a few days or even weeks? When you returned to your manuscript did you have a hard time getting back into the story?

Try storyboarding. It is a method of putting your story together in a visual way so that when you study the storyboard you are immediately drawn back into your book. The mood, the setting, even the characters come to life once again. A storyboard makes the writing flow easier, smoother, and gives you visuals of your characters, places, and things. With storyboarding, those sometimes illusive characters seem to jump off the board and right into the room with you, helping you write their story and keep you on track.

Janet will show you how she begins then adds to her storyboards. She’ll reveal little tricks of the trade and give you ideas for making one of your own at the DFW Ready Writers’ November 13 meeting. Join us while we learn a new technique when Janet Lee Barton presents: Storyboarding.

Born in Roswell, NM, JANET LEE BARTON has lived all over the southern U.S., but she and her husband now call Oklahoma home. Several years ago, they bought a house with a daughter and her husband. With two teenage granddaughters in the mix, life is quite an adventure! They laughingly call it their "Generational Living Experiment."

Janet loves being able to share her faith through her writing. Happily married to her very own hero, she is ever thankful that the Lord brought Dan into her life, and she wants to write stories that show that the love between a man and a woman is at its best when the relationship is built with God at the center. She's very happy that the kind of stories the Lord has called her to write can be read by and shared with women of all ages, from teenagers to grandmothers alike. You can find out more about Janet at: http://www.janetleebarton.com/ .

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Coming Opportunity!

Vice President Janice Olson has just set a date with speaker, writer, and literary agent Mike Farris of Farris and Farris Literary Agency in Dallas, and also an entertainment attorney with Tipton Jones. He will be speaking to our group in February 2011. Mike handles CBA and ABA clients, has had several clients’ books turn into movie contracts, and is very knowledgeable about the publishing and movie industry.

Mike has graciously offered to take a look at one sheets from of our members. If you are looking for an agent, or would like to have an agent look over your one sheet, over the next few months get busy and polish that baby of yours and bring a one sheet with you at the February meeting. If you are in doubt of what a one sheet should look like or say, many of our authors and writers would be willing to send you examples of what one should look like. But remember:  a one sheet is just that—one sheet, and no more.

So please don’t abuse Mike’s kind nature by bringing multiple one sheets. Only one per person. He will not look at a manuscript, synopsis, or chapters. He will not discuss that gem of an idea you have running around in your head. Take advantage of this opportunity that is just around the corner.

If you have any questions about this, please email Janice@jkolson.com.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Brag Lines October 2010

Did you know that our member Richard Pickett is a musician and songwriter as well as playwright and prose writer? He recently sent query letters "all over Texas" concerning his Christian opera and, so far, Wayland Baptist University and Abilene Christian University BOTH took it, and said they'd read it after Christmas, and consider premiering it next year.

His Christian songwriter-partner, Karen Kite of Abilene, met a successful Christian TV writer. The three are going to write a "children's Christian musical TV show" and pitch it to producers. Also, Karen signed a contract with an Oklahoma outfit who will book her to sing their Christian songs all over the country, and release them on a national CD. So things are lookin’ up for Richard. Hallelujah!

Lena Nelson Dooley signed a three-book contract with Strang, taped an interview with TheChristianAuthorsShow.com which aired October 11-12, was interviewed by Romantic Times at the ACFW Conference, and had a video interview at Conference with www.ChristianRetailing.com . She’s working hard on deadline right now.

Beth Shriver sold:
Reclaiming Tess—Release date June 2011 and
Love is a Rose—Release date December 2011
Check out the link below to watch Beth’s interview and make a comment:

Leanna Ellis was a guest blogger this weekend, talking about how she wrote Facelift when the words wouldn't come right after her dad died. Stop by http://siamckye.blogspot.com/2010/10/when-words-wont-come.html , read it and leave a comment.

Fringe member Lisa Buffaloe is proud to announce Nadia's Hope placed runner-up in the women's fiction category of the Genesis contest. She’ll be the speaker at her church's women's retreat October 22-24th. The topic is "Living free".

Lynne Gentry's submission to B&H for an African series wasn't picked up, but maybe another publisher will recognize this gem.

Jane Thornton's latest article, “Alone at Midnight,” is available at

There you are, folks! DFW Ready Writers are writing, selling, blogging, talking, and even singing!