Sunday, October 10, 2010

Coming Opportunity!

Vice President Janice Olson has just set a date with speaker, writer, and literary agent Mike Farris of Farris and Farris Literary Agency in Dallas, and also an entertainment attorney with Tipton Jones. He will be speaking to our group in February 2011. Mike handles CBA and ABA clients, has had several clients’ books turn into movie contracts, and is very knowledgeable about the publishing and movie industry.

Mike has graciously offered to take a look at one sheets from of our members. If you are looking for an agent, or would like to have an agent look over your one sheet, over the next few months get busy and polish that baby of yours and bring a one sheet with you at the February meeting. If you are in doubt of what a one sheet should look like or say, many of our authors and writers would be willing to send you examples of what one should look like. But remember:  a one sheet is just that—one sheet, and no more.

So please don’t abuse Mike’s kind nature by bringing multiple one sheets. Only one per person. He will not look at a manuscript, synopsis, or chapters. He will not discuss that gem of an idea you have running around in your head. Take advantage of this opportunity that is just around the corner.

If you have any questions about this, please email

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