Monday, March 14, 2011

April 2011 Speaker: Lila Guzman

Don't miss the next DFW Ready Writers meeting on April 9th: Writing For Young Adults. Join Lila Guzman for a workshop that explores the Young Adult novel. Learn strategies for writing for this age group and breaking into a unique, red-hot market.

Lila Guzman writes for children and young adults from her home in Round Rock, Texas.  She was born in Lexington, Kentucky, and graduated with a Ph.D. in Spanish from the University of Kentucky in 1980. Soon after, she joined the U.S. Navy where she met her husband of 28 years, and where she taught instructors to teach their native language to military personnel. Lila has received the National TCARA Book Award and the Arizona Authors Literary Award. Her YA series (Lorenzo’s Secret Mission, Lorenzo’s Revolutionary Quest, Lorenzo and the Turncoat, Lorenzo and the Pirate) focus on little-known stories from the American Revolution.

DFW Ready Writers meets the second Saturday of every month. Please join us. DFW Ready Writers is a local chapter of American Christian Fiction Writers. Visit our website to learn more:

Upcoming speakers include:
Private Investigator - Brandon Parker
ER Doctor - Dr. Megan Maxwell
Author/Speaker Linda Kozar - "50 Ways to Say Yellow"
Author Leann Harris - "Understanding Your Unique Way of Writing"
Marika Flatt discusses "What a PR Person can do for a Writer"