Monday, May 12, 2014

Saturday June 14th - A Novel Concept: Use Non-fiction and Public Speaking to Boost your Book

In the age of cyberspace bombardment, how do you, as a novelist,  rise above the cacophony of tweets, chatter and likes? Try writing non-fiction and then speaking about it. 

Julie B Cosgrove began making her "presence" known as a freelance writer and professional speaker in 2008. Six books later, she also writes regularly for several Christian websites and publications, has an active blog, and takes advantage of the social media outlets to spread God's Truth. She leads faith-based workshops and retreats as well as lecturing to women's church groups. When she landed her current contract for a romantic suspense novel, Hush in the Storm, with Prism Book Group, her editor, Marcy, quipped, "I think I can learn a thing or two from you about publicity." Hush in the Storm, releases August 6th. It's sequel, Legitimate Lies has just been contracted to launch in January, 2015.

We all have a message God wants us to bring to the world, and stories to tell about His redemptive grace. Should you consider freelance writing or public speaking? Join us as Julie relates her trials and triumphs along the way. Openly discuss the pros and cons of branching out into new genres. This just may be a direction the Holy Spirit is nudging you to pursue. 

Besides being a member of the American Christian Fiction Writers- DFW Chapter, Julie also belongs to North Texas Christian Writers, Advanced Writers and Speakers Association, DiAn Mill's Ripplers Group, The Christian Writers' Network,  Church Ministry and Leaders LinkedIn, Write For Him, and has achieved the highest level of speaking awarded in Toastmasters International - the Advanced Communicator Gold. She has been published  through the Upper Room and Chicken Soup for the Soul, and regularly writes for The Secret Place, Light from the Word, Good News Daily, The Journey, Faith-filled Family Magazine, Truth Media’s Power to Change and The Christian Woman. Julie is also a member of Daughters of the King, an international women's prayer organization, and is president of the churchwomen in her denominational region that covers 56 churches in North Texas, Louisiana and Arkansas.

Her books, which include fiction as well as Bible studies and a devotional, will be avialable for sale after the talk at a discounted rate. Check our her blog Where DId You Find God Today?  and her website
Guests are always welcome at our open meetings.The ACFW-DFW Chapter, known as Ready Wrtiers, meets at the Bedford Public Library,2424 Forest Rdige Blvd, a few blocks north of Hwy 121/183 in the Midcities area, from 10:30 a.m. to around noon, usually on the second Saturday of the month.  Also, many of us go out to lunch Dutch-treat afterwards to network and chat. Please join us!