Saturday, May 17, 2008

May Member News

Many of our member's have been hard at work. Here's a sampling of what some of them have been up to:

  • Check out Janice's new website. See sidebar and click on Janice Olson.
  • Lisa Buffalo has two new articles out. You can read them by following these links:

"Where is the control?"

"Excuse me God, can we talk?"

  • Lena Dooley always has interesting interviews on her blog. Check it out by clicking her name on the side bar. Writer's are sure to find interesting tidbits there.
  • Our president, Dawn Samaniego, is now moved and getting settled into her new home.
  • We have three finalist in the Genesis Contest: Lynne Gentry, Jane Thornton, who finaled twice, and Janice Olson. Be sure to give them a big congrats when you see them.

I hope to be able to post more news in the future. This is promising to be a great year!

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