Tuesday, May 19, 2009

DFW Ready Writers in the News - What's Happening May 2009

Happy May, everybody!

In this month's news:

Lisa Buffaloe is getting settled in the beautiful city of Boise, Idaho. We miss you, Lisa! Lisa was interviewed twice this month! To read her interview with Norma Vera, visit http://grandmateachmewisdom.blogspot.com/

And, for Lisa's interview with Kathy Grubbs, visit http://www.10minutewriter.com/

Congrats, Lisa!

Jane Thornton's newest article, "One Another," is on The Christian Pulse. Click here to check it out. Great article, Jane!

Our lovely president, Lena Nelson Dooley spoke recently at Gifted for His Glory at Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship Church. Lena also has two new book releases: Wild Prairie Roses and The Prairie Romance Collection. Wow, Lena!! Great job!

And....drum roll please...

BIG NEWS for our favorite doctor and medical resource, Richard L. Mabry, M.D. Richard signed a contract with Abingdon Press in January. His medical suspense, Code Blue, will be published in early 2010. The second book in the "Prescription For Trouble" series is complete, and Richard is now at work on book three. Congrats, Richard! I can't wait to pick up my autographed copy!

Richard has also been published recently in the March-April issue of Upper Room meditation guide with his article "Proclaiming Good News." "The Secret Life Of A First Reader: Interview With Crystal Laine Miller" was published in the March issue of Christian Communicator magazine.

Congratulations to this month's Members in the News! And, congrats to all of you who write for our Lord!!!

Keep writing!

Dawn Michelle Michals


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