Tuesday, September 8, 2009

September Meeting - Speaker Harry Olson

Nothing Like Old Mother Nature

Would you like to add some tension and realism to your story? Weather related events can up the stakes of peril, relationships, loss, and even death to your work in progress (WIP).
Ahh. . . . You have never experienced a hurricane, tornado, earthquake, or even a flood that can wipe houses off their foundation? Allow me to tell you how you can obtain the knowledge of how people are affected and learn to survive these catastrophes.

On Saturday, September 12th, 2009, at 11:00 am—1:00 pm, DFW Ready Writers will be hosting speaker Harry Olson, a catastrophe insurance adjuster since 1994. He has experienced most storm related happenings as a first responder at national disasters and has seen firsthand how lives can be devastated and changed forever.

Dealing with individuals who have lost everything within a matter of hours, even minutes is heart-wrenching and life changing. Harry will be sharing first hand knowledge of weather related happenings that have taken place throughout the United States and will give you ideas how these actual events can come to play with weather related realism in your WIPs.
So don’t miss out on this month’s meeting. Making your novel the most that it can be by having weather as an antagonist in your WIP can bring relationships, death, and realism to the forefront, causing your book to come alive to your readers. Plan now to attend.

Date: Saturday – September 12, 2009
Time: 11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Meeting Place:
La Hacienda Ranch Restaurant
5250 Hwy 121,
Colleyville, Texas
(Restaurant sits alongside the southbound access road between Hall-Johnson
and Glade).

Hope to see you there.

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